5 ways to market your business if you don’t like blogging

Frustration stress and writers block

It’s that time again when I’m sitting down to write our blog. It’s something that hasn’t happened consistently over the past two years. It’s not that the idea list is empty. In fact, it’s full, and content has been planned for at least 13 months on a one article per month schedule.  So why hasn’t…

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Tips to Improve WordPress Sites for Google Core Web Vitals

Quick tips to improve your website loading speed.

First of all, what are Core Web Vitals? Core Web Vitals, or CWV are a set of criteria that Google has developed to help website owners and developers improve their sites for their end users.  Many of us lament about Google. For a lot of reasons. Privacy invasions. Changing search algorithms that result in our…

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Do I need a privacy policy for my website?

Your Website Needs A Privacy Policy

In case you want the immediate TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read) answer, it is yes. You do need a privacy policy for your website. In an era where privacy doesn’t seem to exist anymore, we as website owners need to disclose certain information to our visitors. Even if they don’t take the time to read…

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Should I Hire a Web Designer?

You Should Hire A Web Designer

Your website is one of the first things that your customers will see when they want information about you. First impressions are important. Taking the time to think about and design your website is an important process. If you found this post, then you’ve already asked yourself the question, “Should I hire a web designer?”…

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Blogging frequency and the importance of quality content

Blogging Consistency

How often should you post to your blog? It depends. Experts other than myself say once a week or more. Can you afford the time to post several well thought out and researched articles on your blog? Let alone in a week? Consistently? I talked about the time commitment in my first blog post about…

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Registering your domain name with G Suite

G Suite

In our post, How to register your domain name with Google Domains we signed up for a G Suite account at the end of the process after the domain name was purchased. Google makes the process simple. For most new business startups with one or two individuals that need a domain e-mail, it’s perfect. If…

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How to register your domain name with Google Domains

Registering your domain name with Google

You’ve found the perfect name for your business. Now it’s time to secure that name with a domain registrar. We’re fans of registering your domain with Google for a few reasons which will become apparent as we continue on in this journey to get your business online. In this installment, we’ll walk through registering a…

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Choosing the right name for your business

Choosing the right domain name for your business

What’s in a name? It turns out, a lot. Especially if you’re starting a new business that you need to get online. Coming up with a catchy business name can be challenging. And then you find it. Inspiration has hit. Everyone forming the business is in agreement and it’s a wonderful personification of your organization.…

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Website maintenance is a necessity, not a luxury

WordPress Web Care

Even the best designed websites can start to fall flat when things aren’t working correctly. It might be a missed security patch, or a few forgotten updates, but now the site is broken. Forms aren’t submitting, navigation links are broken and a few images aren’t loading. For high traffic sites, trouble navigating a broken site,…

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